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9am to 6 pm (+5:30 Hrs GMT)



  • FiltXPO

  • Exhibition
    Booth No. 3018, 3020

  • Date

  • 29 April
    01 May, 2025

  • Country

  • Miami Beach Convention Center, Miami, Florida USA


  • Exhibition
    Hall No. 8, Stand A9

  • Date

  • 30 June
    02 July, 2026

  • Country

  • Cologne - Germany

  • FiltXPO

  • Booth No. 533

  • Date

  • Oct
    10-12, 2023

  • Country

  • Chicago, Illinois
    - USA


  • FILTXPO 2022
    Booth 1221

  • Date

  • MAR 29-31, 2022

  • Country

  • Miami Beach Florida
    - USA


A2Z Filtration Specialities Pvt. Ltd. has always tried its best to conduct its business keeping in mind the interests of the society that has enabled it to do business with the highest level of integrity and develop goodwill as a good corporate citizen of the country.

CSR Focus Area

The Members confirmed that the Company shall undertake any of the activities or such activities as may be notified by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs from time to time as a part of CSR. The company has currently selected the following areas for its CSR spending initiatives.

  • Concern for the Elderly: Considering the difficulties of old age, a stage on a person’s life when he may not be in the best of health to contribute economically towards his family’s needs, it is important to give them enough facilities so that they do not have to battle difficulties to receive the basic necessities like health care, food, shelter, and above all, company of others around that brings with itself a lot of moral support. With this in mind, the Company is contributing towards funding of setting up of old age homes for the elderly and their livelihood enhancement.
  • Stray Animals: As a number of stray animals are seen suffering from accidents in and around Delhi NCR, with no one to support them or to offer them necessary first aid, medical attention and food, the Company has identified this as a possible area of the Company’s CSR activities.
  • Education: Acknowledging that education is the best medium for social and economic upliftment in any society, the Company understands that contributing towards the cause of education would be an area of prime focus. The Company would like to not limit the educational objectives to only traditional meaning of education, but would also like to contribute towards vocational education that would improve employability, and spiritual education, such as training in meditation that would bring inner peace to members of the society.
  • Skill Development: In addition and in alliance with the third objective as stated above, the Company would also like to contribute towards bringing differently-abled and disadvantaged people from marginalized sections of the society into the mainstream economic environment by focusing on improving their inclusivity and giving them enough opportunities to grow and enhance their livelihood.

Approach and Delivery Mechanism

The Company is of the view that currently, the CSR Budget would be spent most efficiently if the amount was to be disbursed to a specialized agency or Not for Profit enterprise that is currently operating towards achieving a social objective that is in line with the Company’s CSR Policy.

The Company believes that this manner of spending funds on CSR would have the following benefits:

  • The Company would not have to spend funds on setting up administrative and other resources towards achieving its CSR objectives, as setting up of a new administrative unit by itself, without any prior experience of such CSR operations, would lead to a huge proportion of the Budget being spent towards administrative charges and not towards the actual end goal of these CSR activities i.e. social benefit.
  • Specialized agencies already operating in these areas of social welfare would have operations already in place, and the contributions made towards these agencies would lead to most efficient utilization of funds towards social welfare.
  • It would give the Directors adequate time to research on the best possible manner in which the Company can carry out these activities by itself in the coming few years.
  • As the Management’s focus would not be deviated to a great extent from the core area of business, the Company will be able to make higher profits in the coming periods and thus, be in a position to contribute higher funds towards its CSR Budget and social welfare activities.

However, the Company hopes to develop enough capacities in the future to be able to execute CSR activities itself through a dedicated workforce that would also work towards expanding the portfolio of areas where the Company could contribute for its social benefit initiatives.

Governance Mechanism

Both Directors of the Company, viz. Mr. Digvijai Singh and Mrs. Meenakshi Singh, are members of the CSR Committee, which meets multiple times a year to track the fund disbursement towards the Company’s CSR initiatives, and explore opportunities to contribute to society in a more efficient manner.

Inviting Non Profit Organizations to Become Implementing Agencies

The Company invites non-profit organizations to submit their proposals to the company, including detail of history, work carried out in the past, and projects proposed to be implemented in the future with information on quantum of funds required for the Members of the CSR Committee to consider new avenues of spending for social welfare initiatives.

The Company is currently passionate about contributing towards education, vocational skill-building, mental health, preservation of nature and animal welfare.


